What Q4 and Holy Week have in common

I didn't want to write this email.

When I was prepping the newsletter last week, I wanted to share an article on how to "survive and thrive" in Q4 from a marketing perspective.

I was hoping for a great article that would sum up some nice action items, because frankly, I didn't want to write it, and I came up with...zilch.

But I know that info is exactly what you need right now, and I love you all enough to do things I don't want to do if they'll help you.

So I'll attempt to share a few universal strategies that I think should characterize your Q4 marketing strategy, but in the only way I know how:

By comparing Q4 preparations to Jesus preparing for Holy Week.


Pick one strategy and goal, not 15.

In Luke 9, we hear that Jesus "set His face towards Jerusalem" — in other words, He was determined and resolute to go to Jerusalem, and every action of His after that point was oriented towards that goal.

Why? Because that was where He was going to fulfill His ultimate mission.

It's common at this time of year to get shiny object syndrome and start doing all. the. things. in marketing because maybe this is the thing that's going to get me the most exposure... SQUIRREL!

But let me assure you — if you try to do everything, you'll burn out before the stores even start playing Christmas music.

Instead, pick one goal, one strategy and stick with it through the end of the year. Put all of your energies into that.

How do you know the right strategy? If you've preplanned on tip #3, that will be an easy decision.

Nurture your current people.

I was reading through the Gospels recently in Adoration, just kind of poking around letting the Holy Spirit lead me where I should read, when I noticed something:

The Last Supper in John is Chapter 13.

The Garden of Gethsemane is Chapter 18.

That means there's five chapters — almost a quarter of the Gospel — focused on what Jesus is telling His disciples right before His passion.

The night before His death, Jesus isn't out trying to pad His numbers, rounding up some stragglers with a few last-minute miracles.

Instead, He spends His time ministering to those already "in the fold," nurturing them and preparing them for what is coming.

Q1-3 are great for getting more people on your email list or building your social media following.

Now, in Q4, it's time to switch gears to getting people right from point A to Z — right from brand awareness to action — and even more importantly, focusing on the people we already have.

If you haven't sent out a newsletter in a while, now's the time to warm up your list again.

If you haven't posted on Instagram since the year switched over to 2024, post a few times now.

We don't want to come out of the gate in mid November all like "Oh hi, remember me? I'd like some of your wallet please!"

Spend the next few weeks showering your current audience with value and attention so they remember who you are, what you do, how you help them, and why they should engage with you in the next two months.

Because, to give you a peek into the mind of a consumer, I share this story every year: My husband's favorite part of Black Friday/Cyber Monday is unsubscribing from all the email lists he didn't know he was a part of.

Don't wait for the turkey to reach out to your audience — start now!

Track everything.

In the weeks leading up to the Passion, Jesus spends a LOT of time telling His disciples what to do once He's gone.

They're freaking out a bit too much in the moment at the prospect of His being gone to actually learn from it, but once He's ascended and they start building the Early Church, they remember what He said and use it.

That's kind of what your analytics will do too: They won't help you much now, but it will make prep for next year SO MUCH EASIER.

It doesn't have to be fancy or complicated. A simple Google sheet will work fine (though obviously something like Google Analytics can tell you a lot more).

Write down the strategy you implemented for these months — how many times you posted/emailed, when you started your promotions, whether customers were more likely to take action from one type of promotion over another, what in-person events netted the most sign-ups, etc.

And then track the results. What channels netted the most results? Did you have more new or repeat people? Had they been in your world for a long time or a little? How did they find out about you?

Trust me, it will feel like a buzzkill to do right now, but October 2025 you will thank you.

Spoiler alert! Spill the beans ahead of time.

Have you ever prayed to God to give you a giant neon sign telling you what He wants you to do?

I feel like God doesn't give them to us because of Matthew 17:22: "The Son of man is to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him, and he will be raised on the third day.”

He tried giving them a giant sign. He LITERALLY tells them exactly what's going to happen, and they're still all shocked at everything that happens.

(Not judging them too harshly though, I'd probably be the exact same way.)

Last year, I saw a trend of a few Catholic small businesses sharing their entire sale plans ahead of time and I LOVED it as a consumer. It helped me know exactly when to shop instead of being afraid I'd miss it in the rush and overwhelm.

Because honestly, trying to keep up with everything during Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Giving Tuesday is anxiety-inducing even for consumers.

Even if you want to leave some suspense in not revealing exactly what your sales will be or which thing will be on sale when, definitely tell your audience ahead of time what your general promotion plans are.

It might not seem like it's doing anything in the moment, but the Rule of Seven applies here too — then your sales email becomes just jogging their memory, not a scramble coming out of left field.

And start talking about it soon! Christmas displays aren't the only thing appearing earlier and earlier — the sales are too.

Now, after all that?

You may be a bit disappointed by this email.

Because there's no clear-cut "Send this many emails at this time and say this" Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Giving Tuesday strategy.

That's because there is no clear-cut strategy that works for everyone — hence why I didn't really want to write this email.

That other ministry may get away with only sending a few perfectly-timed, straightforward sales emails while you might need to warm your audience up a bit more.

Some people should really be prioritizing Pinterest right now while others would just be wasting their time.

Ads could be the best thing for your business this season, or they could be a colossal waste of money.

I give you the above as a guideline...but I think the reason people aren't writing a whole lot about Q4 marketing strategies is because it really is different for everyone.

So how do you know what will work for you?

  • If you've tracked analytics and promotions in the past, do what worked in the past! No need to reinvent the wheel. But maybe try adjusting one thing or one new small thing so you're continually improving.
  • If not, ask yourself if you're willing to have a "test year." Don't set number goals; instead set goals for and then test and track everything you do. Figure out which strategy
  • If you don't have analytics to rely on and you aren't willing to try a "test year," then make sure you know your audience really well and where they want to be marketed to (or ask them if you don't know!).

And if you really want Q4 strategies that are customized to your business or ministry, now is the time to book a Catholic marketing consult call with me.

We'll meet 1:1 and can talk about what the "one thing" is that you should focus on, get clear on your messaging/audience, or even just how to make things take less time but get better results.

And yes — I do give complimentary Bible references during calls too. :)

But most importantly: Start now! Trust me, you don't want to be voice dictating sales emails on Thanksgiving morning while basting your turkey. :)

For His greater glory,


Welcome to Monday Marketing Musings!

I teach Catholic churches, businesses, and ministries how to market like Jesus. Every Monday, I send out the latest musings on Catholic marketing from my position as a Catholic marketing professional, former parish employee, and regular old Catholic mom trying not to lose my mind while raising saints. Subscribe if you want to learn how to apply the strategies Jesus and the apostles used to grow the Early Church to your own marketing work today!

Read more from Welcome to Monday Marketing Musings!

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